Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Stressed & overwhelmed. I feel like I'm drowning

My DD is almost 10 weeks old and still refuses to take a bottle. It's usually not a problem b/c I'm a stay at home mom but it would be nice to have the option to leave the house for more than an hour without her occasionally. I can always get two hours in between feedings and sometimes more but I never know when I will get that rare 3 or 4 hour period so I can't count on it to go do anything.  Also when she gets tired she just screams and screams and she won't ever calm down for DH. We have tried letting him hold her for a long time. I've even gone away from them so she doesn't know I'm there. Last night I took a shower and she screamed herself hoarse until I came and got her then I had to walk her until she fell asleep. I have tried leaving her in the crib a few times too but she gets so upset there is no way she could calm herself down. She's my world and I would cut off my arm for her but being constantly attached at the boob to her is starting to get to me because I can NEVER get a break. It's not like I can leave her for the afternoon with my mom b/c again, she won't take a bottle. Even if I do leave her with someone else for a while I always feel that pull to get back to her ASAP b/c, well, I have the boobs. I'm really stressed out and overwhelmed and I feel like I'm drowning.
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