Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Milk supply is way down...what do I do?

Up until 2 days ago I was having a problem with having a huge abundance of milk. I was pumping (I pump and bottle feed DS) almost 40 ounces a day and had a freezer full of stored milk. I tried cutting back to pumping 3 times a day and was getting 5 ounces from each breast each time. It also came out pretty quickly, and it would only take about 15 minutes to get the 5 ounces plus. All of a sudden my supply seems to be going down. When I pumped at 6 am yesterday I only got a total of 5 ounces from both breasts. During the two pumps during the day I was able to get the 5 ounces from each side but it took a lot longer (30-40 minutes). When I pumped at 6 this morning I only got 7 ounces total. I am concerned because DS eats 24 ounces a day and I am just making enough to feed him. Right now I am having to use my reserve milk that I froze because of an antibiotic I'm taking, but I am worried that if I am not producing enough if I need to pump and dump in the future I won't have any.

I have considered just asking the doctor if I should supplement formula but we have already been having problems with DS and gas I am afraid that introducing something else will make it worse. Plus, I am a super paranoid FTM and have read that breastmilk reduces the risk of SIDS. I am so paranoid about SIDS that I am afraid that by using formula I am putting him at risk.

If anyone has any advice I'd appreciate it. Is there a way to increase the supply? Should I pump more? I have been trying to drink more water but it doesnt seem to make a big difference.

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