Single Parents

Seeking Sole Legal Custody

We are going through our divorce proceedings and basically XH is disagreeing on every front just to spite me.

At mediation this week he basically wasted everyone's time with no intention of negotiating with me and my attorney. He told me he would rather give his attorney $20,000 rather than give me any maintenance and child support whatsoever.

Awesome, huh?

Given the high level of conflict, along with some verbal abuse I am going after sole legal custody for the kids. He refuses to take any action in regards to their schooling, medical, or dental care. Basically, I am the one who takes care of them and he argues with every decision I make. He doesn't bother to show up to Dr appts yet criticizes me for what I do to take care of their needs.

Is this enough to get me sole legal custody? I have no idea what is needed, basically I just don't want to have to try and make decisions with him. His only intention is to hurt me any way he can, regardless of what's in the kid's best interests. I don't mind notifying him of things that are going on. 

The nestie formerly known as MrsV2005. I just realized I have no recent pictures of me or the kids! Guess I need to get the camera out!
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