Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Hoping our cloud is lifting!

After giving birth to our son on Jan 6th, we went home for 2 days and surprisingly had to return and be admitted to PICU for very high bili count... 3 days it took to go down from a level of 21.6 to 14.3. Sadly when we were there, they informed us (after a second blood the arm and hand!!) that he has hypothyroidism which is rare and happens to 1 in every 3 or 4,000 babies (he also had dropped to much weight)....which is what also caused bili levels to be so high. Finally we were released from PICU and got a scare when we retested bili levels 2 days later and they were back at 19.7 (they re admit at 20)!! We were put on a strict feeding schedule of formula every hr and a half to get him pooping more and for his weight (poor guy was SO full) Today we retested and levels came down 3 points and is also gaining weight well...we are so very relieved. We will have to give him meds every AM and test for his thyroid... but I feel like we are finally getting things where they need to be. It has been a very bumpy first week and a half.
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