2nd Trimester

Excitement deflated

When we told people we were having a boy everybody was so excited for us! Well, everybody except hubby's mom and sisters. His sisters were convinced we were having a girl, and when we told them it was a boy the first thing his mom said was "Oh no that's just the umbilical cord I'm sure. It's probably going to end up being a girl" I went from super excited to tell his family to completely deflated. After we left for the day I cried. And his sisters have 2 girls and a boy, so it isn't like his mom really wants a granddaughter, she has 2. I just don't get why they have to be such downers about this. And then last night I dreamt that at our next appointment the ultrasound tech says she was wrong and it's a girl, and his whole family was there making fun of me for thinking we were having a boy. I know it's just a dream, but now that's all I can think about. Boy or girl I don't care as long as baby is healthy, but I wish they could just be excited instead of so cynical.
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