2nd Trimester

Work vent (long)

Ok, So I posted yesterday about the "harassment at work" issue... I was stuck in the clinic yesterday for 3-4 hours, most of it dealing with my GD with my endo about my #'s climbing and the insulin doses not doing anything and also talking/filing out forms for an insulin pump. The other part of it meeting with the Social worker about whats going on with my supervisor.

I woke up to 2 very "awesome" facebook posts from someone I thought was a good friend (I work with her at the lab, she is one of our older lab people, who seemed to be very respectful of everyone and non-judgemental)  

This is what she posted on her wall:

Wow - more than a little angry about actions of someone who didn't get what they wanted today so they chose to not care about how their actions affected others once again. Is is so funny how some people just don't care about anyone but themselves, yet they can't understand why they are having problems with those around them.


 Awhile back a coworker of mine got mad at me for saying I think every time a person uses FMLA at work, a doctor should be required to verify the events of that day requiring it.(She told me we weren't in Kindergarten and didn't need babysitters. Really? Then stop the B.S. then!) (I happen to have FMLA intermittent for my Fathers health problems and doctors appointments - however, any time we can schedule around my job we do if we can help it.) However, some people just use it whenever they feel like it and lie about what is going on that day. Now for example, when I had car trouble today, I could call in and say my Dad was sick - I don't have to document it - but I don't lie- because that is B.S. Instead, my absence will go against my attendance for work this year like it did last year when I was in a car accident that was not my fault and I had no vehicle to get to work with among any other days I missed because "life" happens at the worst times! So I will again have problems at my annual review, but someone who lies (and unfortunately there are more than one!) will be just fine! Just a small reason I think our society is going downhill - lack of moral character in something so simple translates to the rest of a person's ability to contribute to a productive society as far as I am concerned. I also blame H.R. to an extent - because I grew up in an age where if you couldn't do a job and do it well - out the fricken door you go - no red tape - and no whining. I miss that!

 I called in yesterday and used my FMLA  because I had to have an ASAP appt with my endo about my sugars and meet with the social worker. She called in yesterday because her car wouldn't start. 

This is a perfect example of why I HATE going to work lately, my co-workers love to judge people and assume what ever they want.

I'd love to know how she found out I used FMLA for one, and for 2 how would she know if any of her co-workers had dr appointments?? Is she looking us up on our computer system? which would be VERY VERY illegal...


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