2nd Trimester

DH & his girls

NOTE - DH is the rough outdoorsy looking kind - big, red beard and all
We had just put DD to bed and I was walking to the bedroom to get in my comfy clothes when I noticed a flickering in the baby's room. I walk in there and DH had lit two candles and was sitting in LO's rocker. I asked him what was up and he just stared at the crib and said "there's gonna be a baby in that thing in a few months". It was really sweet, I think he wanted to cry lol. It's so much harder for H's to "feel" the baby is coming so I think getting the nursery so close to done has helped alot. It has been his MISSION the past two weeks! He then went on to rant about how the curtains need to be hung and the side tables ordered. Yeah he's definitely a girl dad Yes

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