2nd Trimester

Update.. (story)

Update from First Nerve Wracking Experience (posted Sunday)

So Monday I went to the OB because of the episode on Saturday. OB confirmed Alien is fine. He thought it was my BP by my describing what I was feeling, but sure enough my BP was perfect. Temp was normal. All fine with Alien he sends me to my PCP which was just one floor up. So I walk up there tell the front desk the deal and she squeezes me in at 2:30, been at the OB since noon I had gone right from work. I was hungry and cranky by 2:30 for sure. So the PCP checks me out, all these eye tests, neurological tests, anything that could cause my symptoms. Then sends me for blood a little before 4. Blood tests come back yesterday afternoon - the PCP wasn't too worried but said there is something going on we need to follow. Inflammation markers elevated and white blood cells elevated. She said I could just give you a run of the gamut antibiotic but that doesn't make sense you're pregnant no need to medicate unless we know what we are treating. I agree and really did not want the medication if she was offering it without knowing what it was going to be for anyway. So she wants me to repeat blood work Monday morning, and call her if things get worse than they were yesterday or if any new symptoms come up.

In addition to this fancy little drama my body is throwing out there.. since I was at the PCP I figured I'd have her take a look at a rash I feel like I have had forever!! (Begin TMI) So on the top of my bum/very top of the crack I have this rash, it is sometimes awful, raw and sometimes oozy.. so I keep it clean with a baby wipe and a&d ointment when that happens and sometimes it is just uncomfortable. So she looks at it, and says sorry kiddo that?s no rash that a pilonidal cyst. I instantly knew what she was talking about because 8-years ago my good friend was pregnant and had one that she needed removed 3 days after her daughter was born. So Monday I have an appointment with a general surgeon to talk about options. The PCP suggested draining it while we finish out the pregnancy but that I will need it removed once the baby it born. Hooray -- not.

So I am keepig it low key, the headaches still come, but I have not been as dizzy/lightheaded as I was Saturday. 


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