
Letting DH in the OR while getting the edpidural?

Hi ya'll, I'm hoping someone can give me some insight here. I had an ECS with DD 3 years ago due to my epidural. The stuck me five times then when they finally administared it the drugs went up to my lungs instead of down. I stopped breathing and everthing went black after that. But I have elected to have a RCS with this LO just because I'm now terrified of being in another emergency situation. My only problem is that I'm afriad that I will panic and freak out when its time for the epidural, I'm afriad I'll cry and start shaking and just have a full blown panic attack, i mean heck the last time i had an epi it tried to kill me! So, I haven't been able to talk to my Dr about this yet, but does anyone know or think that they would let DH be IN the OR with me while they prep me for the cs? Mostly I want him there for the epi. Just to give you an idea of how scared I actually am about this, I've already worked out a facial expression for DH if I can't breath again because last time I couldnt even get it out that I couldnt breath i just passed out. TIA for any insight anyone can give me, I have my next appt monday but one thing about military care is you never see the same dr and will never know who will deliver you.
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