2nd Trimester

Poor guy... UPDATED with conversation

This morning the husband of my BFF decided it would be a good idea to inform me via FB that I wouldn't get a medal or a "Hero of the Maternity Ward" plaque for a med-free delivery. Any guesses on the type of response he received??

Update:  I decided to include the exchange for comedic relief...

Dumb guy:  You dont get a medal for doing it drug free. You dont get a "hero of the maternity ward" plaque. The only thing you get is to tell your kid that he or she hurt like a son of a *** coming out. And although it was the most beautiful moment of your shared lives it was filled with obsenities, threats, empty promises to the fertility gods, and tears of utter searing pain that no one would wish on another soul. . . And rather than think your kid is going to think you are a hero for it, know that they will probably cover their ears and make you promise to never tell them again. . .

Me:  Thanks Tucker but I don't expect a medal, nor do I intend to birth my children in an atmosphere of hysteria and cursing. I appreciate your concern, but my decision to try for a med-free delivery has more to to with the health of my babies and my personal comfort level regarding medical intervention than my expectiation of any kudos and/or medals. ...but congrats on being the first man to have a somewhat condescending opinion regarding how I push my children out of my vagina. I still love you anyway.

 Oh and P.S. After all I have gone through to get pregnant I am sure the fertility gods already know exactly what I think of them...but just in case they need a reminder their useless asses can pucker up and kiss mine.


I tried to be nice since I really do like the guy....but sheesh...since when should a man other than my husband have an opinion about anything regarding my vajajay??  Seriously??

Although...I must admit that I'm curious about this Hero of the Maternity ward plague...and I'm glad I'm not a candidate. LOL

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