Babies: 0 - 3 Months

DH vent... anyone else having this issue?

For some reason, since our DS was born, DH has been very self-centered. He's only been concerned about what's going on in his own little world, instead of the fact that I need his help with DS or just that I need him. For example, last week I told him that I needed to buy formula and I also needed to get gas (DH deals with finances so I try to always run things by him so he knows how much we have in the account). He informed me that things were tight this week, so I had to CHOOSE between formula and gas! Seriously?!? I have to choose between gas to get to work or formula to feed our baby?!? Luckily, I was able to make it work with only putting $10 in my gas tank and using checks and coupons for the formula. Come to find out, we were short on money because he had spent money on a new cord and remote control for a TV he found on the side of the road that doesn't even work. Last night I told him DS had a Dr's appt. and I had to go to the store to get formula, so I needed him to take the carseat base out of his car and put it in mine. This morning, I go to leave and it's not in my car. He was too busy playing on his computer last night while I was running around doing a million things last night (cleaning, bathing DS, etc.) to remember to do it. I don't know if I'm just being hormonal or too harsh on him, but I'm seriously at my wit's end. I work a full-time job (not by my choice, but by his choice), take care of DS, clean, cook, etc. and all I ask for is a little bit of help and consideration. I could keep going on with the illustrations, but this post is long enough.... Anyone else having this issue?
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Mommy's Little Man
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