Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Poop ?

So we have been supplementing with formula since I don't make enough for LO. Last week I noticed that he would spit up a lot more on the breastmilk than formula (currently using Enfamil AR) and I am assuming its because the formula is thicker. So I started combining... half breastmilk and half formula. He did a little better, but still spit up. Last weekend I started with 3 oz formula and 1 oz breastmilk and he has been doing great!!! Barely spits up and seems to fill him up. But now he's going 2 days + without a poop diaper. I am sure its because he's getting more formula now, but what can I do to help. He seems more cranky and crabby lately as well. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Noah's Blog TFAS Chart
BFP 12-16-08...blighted ovum at 8 wks
BFP 4-26-10....ectopic at 6 wks
BFP 4-4-11... Our little Noah arrived 11-15-11!
TFAS Sept 2012
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Made so many amazing bump friends along the way... Congrats to my bump besties and IRL friends..sbuxsweetie (Colin is here, and is going to be a big brother!),kellbranc (Luca is growing so fast) and lots of prayers and baby dust to willamina (HUGS) So blessed to have met these ladies!!!
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