2nd Trimester

Two rude things happened to me today.

The first thing, wasn't that rude but it bothered me. My husband is out of town so I sent him a picture of my belly, ( I drew a face on it and it was funny) and he showed it to his sister and aunt. They made a comment regarding how big it was and he said I was almost 25 weeks which on here says the baby is about the size of an eggplant. They said "Looks like there's a lot more than an eggplant in there, you guys are probably having a huge baby!" -That is annoying. There is much more than an eggplant in there. There is my expanding uterus, the baby's placenta, my own organs, and that is just what a pregnant belly looks like! And I feel like comments like that just make you feel like you look too big for how far along you are. I found it extra annoying because his sister is a bigger girl who has 3 kids under 3, and if someone made a reference like that to her about her belly when she was pregnant, she would have cried. Anyways, whatever...

Second thing, I received this fb message from my friends friend. I don't know why we are friends on fb, but I actually have hid her because she is a very 'know-it-all' kind of mommy that wants to tell everyone the best ways to raise their children. We were also in our mutual friends wedding recently and I felt like I was in the movie bridesmaids- It was horrible. So anyway, I go on fb and there's this message from her regarding circumcision.

"Hey there! I hope all is going well with the pregnancy! i wanted to recommend a link to you. Since you are having a boy, you have a very important decision to make. I am referring to whether or not to circumcise. We chose to leave Cole intact as we could find no medical reason to circumcise. I think babies are born perfect, just the way they are. anyway, this is a really informational and somewhat graphic (warning) article on intact vs circumcised."


(I decided to leave out the links, because they were really graphic and anyone can google it if they feel the need to see that stuff. Also I think anyone can find internet links that are biased to what you personally believe, so I didn't think that was necessary.)


 I thought that was so ridiculous. I am actually choosing to not circumcise, (no judgement to those who do) but I thought it was so rude of her to just send this to me when we are not good friends, and she is clearly telling me what she thinks is right. What if I was going to circumcise for religious reasons, or just because that's what my husband and I wanted to do?  I would have had to do so knowing where she stood on it.

I just don't understand why people think it's okay to tell other people how to parent or make choices for their children, based off of their opinions and feelings. Especially people who go out of their way to tell you, who aren't even your close friends or family. 

Anyway, just wanted to share my two rude things of the day. 


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