2nd Trimester

Will my bridesmaid dress fit? Please help!!!

Hello! I'm new to the boards and a ftm...

I'm about 14 weeks along and my due date is July 3rd (still a little confused about how it all works...) My sister is getting married on August 4th and I'm wondering if I'll be able to fit into the bridesmaid dress she ordered for me.

 I've always been a small girl and small chested. I've always been in between a dress size 2 and 4 since high school. So far I've gained almost no weight (thanks to m/s) and have next to zero baby bump. The babies in my family have always been small (dr.'s wanted to paste 'abnormal birth' on my sister and I, but my mother wouldn't allow it). To top it off, when my mom was pregnant she hardly showed at all through her whole pregnancy under her white pharmacy jacket. Her customers thought she was joking when she said she had taken a month off for maternity leave! She has also mentioned that her chest never got bigger when she was breast feeding, and her bra size is just slightly bigger than mine.

 I'm trying to solve this problem without asking my family members because my sister got engaged right before Christmas, and I want her to have the spotlight to herself for as long as possible. I tried on a size 2 in the bridesmaid dress at Christmas and it was a little poofy in the empire waist, so she ordered me a size 4. I only have a couple of days to return the dress for a larger size and I'm worried that I won't be able to fit into it about a month after I have the baby. Please help me!!!

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