2nd Trimester

If you have an LO already same sex as this LO

How are you find things to do differently for this one?  I'm trying to think of nursery ideas, but all I can think about is DD1's.  I love her nursery, and everything about it.  We didn't do a theme, just a color scheme.  So every time I try to figure out what I want to do with this DD's nursery, I just keep thinking of DD1's room, and nothing seems as good.  What are you doing?

If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you. When mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me. - Led Zeppelin
Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Pregnancy tickers
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Chemical Pregnancy 10/5/10
BFP 2/7/11--m/c 2/12/11
TTD pics taken by knottie jen&louie :o)
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