Babies: 0 - 3 Months

My previously excellent napper won't at 8 weeks!

Our DD was an excellent napper...2-3 naps per day 2+ hours each.  Then she turned 8 weeks & it's all changed!  After feeding, we play & I start to wind her down at the fist yawn.  She's only take 45 minute to hour naps throughout the day and when she wakes up, I can tell she is still tired.  I let her fuss to see if she will put herself back to sleep, but nope.  So, then I will have to put her back to sleep or she will pass out agin 30 minutes later.  It doesn't matter if she puts herself to sleep in her crib or playmat, which she easily can do, so I don't think it's a soothing problem or if I or the swing rock her to sleep...any advice?  She just won't stay's exhausting.  
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