2nd Trimester


Those who have had this in previous pregnancies or who were just diagnosed recently, did you have symptoms or know you were likely to develop Pre-E earlier in your pregnancy?

I know(think) it's not something that you are diagnosed with after 20weeks when you show high BP, protein in urine, and a few other symptoms but did you see this coming earlier on?

I am a FTM and still learning how this stuff works so please do not flame if I'm off base here. Just trying to learn. I ask because I have higher BP than pre-pregnancy, headaches when I workout or "over-do" it, increased HR and am 17weeks. I've been dealing with all 3 since about 6weeks but not sure if it's signaling Pre-E later in pregnancy or if it's just the way my body is handling pregnancy. The Dr. seemed a little taken back when I asked but said that the increased blood volume could be the cause and to listen to my body. Not concerned really, just listen to my body. Thanks!

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