
Underoo Question

I am a FTM with my c-section (due to complications and baby's size) scheduled for Feb 14.

I have been reading through all your posts here and have gotten lots of good info and encouragement from this board, thank you.

My question is sort of a funny one. I have been packing my hospital bag and using some old posts here as a guide as to what I will need. I see alot of women reffering to good underwear to bring or wear after their c-section, specifically the 3pairs for $2 at walmart. I surfed their site a bit and couldn't find what y'all must be talking about. Can anyone link to them? Or are there some other brands that you prefer? I don't think my VS will be the right choice post surgery lol.

I know this will throw the conversation off into a tangent but...Anyone with prior experience want to add any advice or things you wish you had known prior to your c-section to calm the fears of a newbie?

BabyFruit Ticker
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