2nd Trimester

Broken! Tricuspid Regurgitation

I had my 20 week scan today...

I have never felt so broken. Doctor saw tricuspid regurgitation in my baby's heart. 

My heart fell to the floor. My husband and I were listening to the doctor as he went on into detail, but my rate my heart was racing to hear how serious this condition is. Of the few things he mentioned, he lost me at Down Syndrome, but he kept going. My husband who was sitting next to me put his head on my belly, so I put my hand on top of his head, to comfort him... (though I was in need of comfort myself) to my horror I realized that he is not resting, and is dead weight on me. I lift up his head and his eyes are rolled back!!! The tech and nurse held him up and tried to revive him and told me he was having a seizure! At this point I can't stand because my knees pretty much gave out. We finally got him back after a few min. but the amount of stress I went through has taken a huge toll on me today. Doctor advised to do an amnio to detect down syndrome or other chromosomal defects.  

Our appointment for the amnio is in about 4 hours and 20 min... 

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