3rd Trimester

Big baby and GD

So I was diagnosed with GD two weeks ago and went to the GD class and got my monitor this past Wed. I was scheduled to see a perinatologist today to check out baby. I was actually really glad that I had the appointment today because my little girl has been really inactive the last two days. I have felt her move but NEARLY as much as she normaly does. I even did the drinking juice or water thing and laid on my side with no results. So they did the u/s and the tech could not get her to move either. So the tech buzzed her and she jumped but that was it. So they decided to do a stress test. As soon as I was hooked up to the monitor she decided to move ! I was relieved. Then the doctor spoke to us about the results of the measurements taken during the u/s. He said everything looked good with baby except that she was measuring big. Over 5lbs! I am 31wks. He said if she continued to grow at this rate I was looking at a scheduled induction or CS three weeks before my due date. My due date is March 15th so that would put me at 37wks on Feb. 23rd. I know its not the end of the world but not at all what I pictured and now I am so worried about my baby girl. I wanted her to wait atleast until 39wks. Since the appointment she has not moved at all. And I was also told the GD could cause her stress and I would have to start doing kick counts every day. I see my ob tomorrow but I am so upset right now I cant focus! Okay, thanks for letting me vent :(

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