2nd Trimester

Can't stand meat!!!

I have been trying to eat meat, but I just CAN'T!!!!  I have been able to force down some hot turkey deli meat on a bagel with dijon, light mayo, pepperjack cheese, and red reaspberry jelly (boy did I get some looks in my office!!) and I am loving bacon but that's it.  My favorite things to eat right now are eggs, bagels, pasta with parm cheese and some olive oil and bagels with cream cheese.  I'm also LOVING oranges, thank you "BUMP" for inspiring that daily addition last week!!

The thought of chicken makes me want to puke and it was my favorite pre pregnancy.  Also, I LOVE red meat.  LOVE LOVE LOVE it, but I can't stand cutting into a piece of tender meat and eating it. 

Saturday I was craving chili cheese nachos.... Wouldn't you know, I took one bite and HATED them! LOL. 

Anyone else have strong aversions to meat?  I'm going to be over 200 lbs if I keep up with this carb craze!!  What the baby wants though, the baby will get :).

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