2nd Trimester

First nerve wracking experience(story)

Friday woke up with a splitting head ache and suffered all day. Saturday it was still there but other than that I was feeling fine so I had plans with a girlfriend for 12:30 meeting for lunch.  I was getting ready actually doing my hair and putting in a little make up.  Something I don't bother with Monday through Friday because I don't have the energy at 6am while I prepare for workforce the day.  I started feeling a little woozy so I grabbed a bottle of water and had a few sips and kept it in the bathroom as I did my hair.  Blew dry it then I was putting the eyes on when a rush of extreme light headeddizziness and tremendous sweaty feeling came over me. It husband had left for work about an hour previous. I was home alone. So I sat on the toilet since I felt like I was going to fall over.  The sensation did not go away.  Enter panic mode.  My phone is normally attached to my hip of course it was n the kitchen table.  So I get the strength to hold on to the walls and get my phone. I get to the couch with my water and phone.  In compete panic now I probably made the sweaty feeling worse.  I call Mom.  And in no more than the sound of my voice she knew I was scared. So she hung up and called my grandmother who lives next door.  My gram comes in and there I am all crying and shaking on the couch.  She gets a cold face cloth to try and cool me off.  I called the husband after my mom and he turned around and was heading home. He rushes in all worried.  My mom shows up.  What a scene!!   I called the doctor third. They told me to take tylenol and relax.  Soil in two hours I'm not feeling the head ache subside to go to the er. Of course I'm a mess.  I take the Tylenol and a nap.  I feel ok. Not great.  3-5 I nap. Then 730 I am in bed for the night.  Today I feel alright.  Headache is still here but not at bad. I took two more Tylenol. But I am still lightheaded/dizzy.   I am not worried there is something wrong with the Alien but that there is something wrong with me!!  Worry is not something I typically do.   I cannot wait for the doctor to be in tomorrow to call. I just I feel better!   



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