Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Why won't they discharge my baby?

My daughter was born on Thursday 1-12

She had a fever for about 5 hours after birth..not dangerously high but high enough.  They sent her to nicu for blood work and antibiotics. Her fever broke Thursday night.  

She is doing great and was taking 15ml per bottle and is now up to 50ml. If she drank more bottle they would take off her IV, just do antibiotics then.  All tests are coming back negative. We are waiting for one test that was sent out over the weekend.  They said if negative, she can go home possibly Monday, maybe Tuesday.

I am home and called to see how she is.  They said one of the doctors wants to keep her on antibiotics for 7 days just to be safe.  This outrages me.  I am going there in an hour.  She is good.  They say she is good.  She is eating.  She hasn't had a fever since Thursday.  All blood work is negative.

Who would I talk to about getting her discharged on Monday instead of possibly Thursday??? 


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