Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Post C/S Pooping problems (repost and TMI)

So I am hoping (for everyone else's sake) that no one has had an experience quite as horrible as mine.... but perhaps someone could relate on a different level.

I had a cs seven weeks ago.. since I got up and walked from day 2 (ouch) I had a relatively speedy recovery, minus this one issue. It hasn't seemed consistent until now-- I have had it the past two nights at 12 AM on the dot. Essentially what it feels like is a huge gas and/or poop bubble at the top of my ribs (right below my chest). I get pain that radiates from that area, so much so that I feel it in my breasts. I can push and push (tried so for almost two hours) but I can't even get a FART out. There is just no relief and the pain is equivalent to labor pains (which I know all about, since I was in labor for 16 hours before my c/s). My poor DH came into the bathroom to find me squatting in the tub, shower on, holding onto the sides and pushing hard as I could. He probably thought the doctors screwed up and I was having another baby right then! At one point I did poop... but it was literally a sliver less than an inch long (TMI, I know)..... so has anyone had this/know what causes this? I do plan on calling my OB but I'm in between insurance companies so I try to avoid going to the doc unless absolutely necessary.   
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