Babies: 0 - 3 Months

lump on chest

I haven't been posting since my little girl was born, but I wanted to see if anyone has or is experiencing this with their child.

My 2month old has a lump under the skin on her chest. It looks as if the skin is bruised but it's actually whatever  is under the skin that is making it look bruised. It isn't the breast, it's more towards her shoulder.  We took her to her pediatrician who dismissed it as a harmless cyst filled with liquid. We asked him if he was sure and he brought us a picture of his daughter the day before she was diagnosed with lukemia and another of her now, healthy.  He said he understands our fear and he assured us he does not take such things lightly and if he weren't sure he would not tell us he was. 

It's not that I don't trust him, but I'm still worried. Would you get a second opinion?

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