
Sharp, pulling pain

I had a c-section 10 days ago.  Unscheduled, after about 4 hours of pushing.  I was very disappointed but our daughter is so beautiful, I'm trying to focus on the good!

Anyhow, I feel like my pain is slowly improving.  I haven't taken any Percocet for a few days now and I just take the ibuprofen once in a while.  My left side feels great, I can lift my leg, etc.  But there is one spot on the right side (not right over the incision, it's kind of difficult to localize).  When I move in a certain way or walk upstairs it feels like it's pulling or pinching and it's excrutiating and makes me just want to lie down and cry.  I'm definitely favoring the one side.  I called the doc and they said that this sounds normal for being one week out.  It certainly doesn't feel normal.

I think the pain is getting better, but as the numbness wears off it sometimes seems like I'm going backwards and the pain is so frustrating.  

I had a breakdown the other day, crying and crying (this of course after my parents left), i know it's still early but the I just wish I could feel like my normal self again.  I'm usually very active and it's hard just to sit at home, but on the other hand I'm sort of scared to go out when I feel so bad.

Am I being impatient, should I just take the percocet more often, should I work through the pain and try to ignore it?


BabyFruit Ticker
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