Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Baby is So Gassy -- Immature Digestive System?

DS is so gassy sometimes. It usually happens during the night and around noon (I don't know what the significance of the noon gas is). He will fuss and cry and you can see him straining to get either the poop or the gas out. After he passes a lot of gas then he will be fine and go to sleep. The rest of the day and evening are fine and then we will have a few episodes of gas at night. I BF so I am going to start by cutting dairy out of my diet as I used to have one yogurt a day (I can't drink milk or I will get gas). Is it possible that he is sensitive to dairy like I am? Also, is there any way to try and help him get the gas out when he is crying and straining?

Another thing is that I will drink a Coke a day just to get a little caffeine. Some people have said that they have found Coke to be irritating. Is this just Coke or all caffeinated sodas? What about non caffeinated like Ginger Ale? That is what I drink a lot of when my stomach is hurting.

Is this gas just because he has an immature digestive system and he will grow out of it or do you think it could be diet? If it is diet I just dont even know where to begin!

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