Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Baby Blues are just....Weird...and kind of scary

So, I'm finally feeling a bit better - a week and a half PP. But I still keep having some weird baby blues feelings, and some crying jags. Nothing horrible and they actually have subsided A LOT!

Did anyone else feel this way though, after their baby was born: I keep looking backward. I'm so happy she's finally here, healthy, and we made it through the 9/10 months of pregnancy and I actually had a great labor and everything. But now, I'm stuck thinking things like: geez, last week I was in the hospital. Only a few days before that I was hugely pregnant and wishing she was here. Now she IS here and I miss being pregnant, even though I LOVE having her here. It's such a weird dual feeling. I just feel like it's harder for me to look forward to the future rather than look backward to the past. Almost a weird nostalgia thing: I'll never be pregnant for the first time ever again....etc. And I am not sure what's wrong with me. 

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