
To have a c-section or not!?

I posted a similiar question in the high risk board and got absolutely no responses. Which leads me to think that not many people are in the same situation as I am. This is what I posted:



I was diagnosed with Epilepsy after a real bad car accident that lead to my having severe head trauma. My question is: does anyone here have Epilepsy and/or take anti-convulsants and what is your plan for delivery?

I have been told different things from different people and doctors...I dont know if I should opt for a c-section over having prolonged labor that would ultimately lead to an emergency c-section (which is not uncommon with women with Epilepsy), increases chance of having seizures during labor, and also the chance that I will naturally be at a higher risk of preeclampsia....what are some of your experiences and/or plans?

Any input will help ease my mind some. I have some time to think about everything, as we are only 9.5 weeks now, but I want to be informed and have a plan of action. Thank you! "

Overall, I am looking to hear about people's honest experiences with planned versus emergancy c-sections. I am real torn about what to do and all the input I know I can gather from your prior experiences will help me. Thanks in advance!

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