2nd Trimester

Surprise at the Doctor

Yesterday was one of the happiest days of my life!!!

We went for our a/s results at my OBGYN and when we got into the exam room, the nurse was asking us how we were... DH says "disappointed" and she says, "oh no! why?" and we explained how they couldn't tell us the gender at the a/s.

She gets all excited and says that she's gonna talk the doctor into bringing in the portable ultrasound machine so he can take a peek and try to tell us what it is. So, a while later the doctor comes in with the u/s on a cart. Unfortunately, the u/s quality was very much lacking compared to the ones used for the a/s in the other wing of the hospital but he felt like he was going to be able to tell us what the baby is.

So...after a very quick look, he pronounced: "ITS A GIRL!!" and he explained why it looked like a girl, etc.

I was so excited!! DH looked like he was going to pass out (he's been hoping for a boy so he doesn't have to clean his shotgun when she gets older and starts dating). The doctor laughed and told DH that it's amazing to have a little girl and someday he would know just what he was talking about.

It was so exciting to hear that our baby is a girl. DH is still sort of holding out for the next u/s as the u/s quality was very low-- but the doctor said he believes that he's 90% positive it's a girl.

Regardless, we get to go back in 2 weeks for a follow-up u/s at the u/s wing with the better u/s machines to look at a few things that were missed last time since the baby was moving so much. But either way, we will get confirmation at that appointment that it is in fact a girl. I'm not rushing out to paint the room, but I'm sure the doctor knows what he's talking about.

I cannot believe the transformation I've felt overnight regarding my pregnancy. I went from feeling slightly detached (mostly because I've been paranoid something would go wrong and I guess it's some sort of defense mechanism) but the defenses went down yesterday. I keep imagining our little girl, and her room and what she'll look like and sound like... all the fun times we'll have when she's older and all the cute little animal things that she will have..

Our biggest problem is deciding on a name. DH and I only picked out a boy name because we simply cannot agree on a girl name.

DH likes: Brooke and Morgan

I like: Zoey, Callie, Carys, Haley, Hunter, Aubrey...and on and on.... lol 

Oh well...eventually we will find one or two we can agree upon!


Thanks for listening! Just super duper excited :D 

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