2nd Trimester

Due during finals - WWYD?

Hi ladies! Curious to hear what anyone who's been through pregnancy/labor thinks about my school situation. I am currently in school and my due date is May 4, our 'stop' day. Finals are the next week. Would it be better to try and take finals early, when I am 39 weeks pregnant, or go back and take them after the baby comes? I know I could always go into labor early and have to make a new plan, but classes start next week so I thought it would be a good idea to have a preference when I go in and talk to my professors. I can imagine I will be huge and uncomfortable a few days before I give birth, but it sounds awful to take finals just a few days after having a baby. I'm not even sure if they will let me take finals early, but it wouldn't hurt to ask. What do you think the best plan would be? I have no idea how I might be feeling just before and after giving birth, so any opinions are appreciated!
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