Upstate NY Babies

Want to talk TV shows?

I just saw this about Teen Mom's Leah-wow!  That's a whole lot of babies!

RHW Orange County begins on 2/7, pretty sad that I'm excited about it.  There's a new housewife on it, and a friend listed in the cast bios.  I don't really get the friend, kind of like Dana on on BH. 

RHW BH: Kim is nuts.  What is it she's on or was on? It's got to be more than alcohol. 

Top Chef:  I was sad Malibu Chris got the boot.  I'm rooting for Lindsey or Greyson to win.  I haven't watched last night's episode yet, but I love restaurant wars.  

Did anyone see "Are you there, Chelsea?"  DH skipped it on dvr Tongue Tied

Any other good shows?  

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