2nd Trimester


I seriously feel like a psycho on days that I have appointments. I get so freakin' worked up over stupid things... DH and I got into it this morning over switching insurance companies (really??) lol I feel like dumb-fights are almost always on days we have a doctor appointment.

I'm sure it's because I'm being a freak of nature and he's a man and cannot comprehend how I am feeling... :/ But, I wish he'd pick up the dad-books I got him and his mom got him so he'd get a clue as to what's going on with me and the baby. Sometimes I feel like he just thinks this info is going to be magically placed inside his brain without having to put forth any effort.


Please wish us luck for the results of our anatomy scan today at 3:30. Last Friday we were not able to find out if it was a boy/girl and the ultrasound tech kinda rushed us out... She also mentioned that she wasn't able to get good shots of important areas on the baby like kidneys and heart because baby was being so squirrelly. Hopefully my Dr schedules another scan soon for those areas and we're able to find out at that time whether it's a boy or girl and of course that everything is healthy and normal...

*Fingers Crossed*

Thanks for listening to me vent ladies... I often feel like this pregnancy has made me semi-insane...haha but its nice to know I'm not the only one! Embarrassed

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