2nd Trimester

Anxiety Overload! Anyone else ?

I'm a first time mom and naturally worry about everything! I have been worrying about this baby since before he/she is even born, but I guess that's just what mom's do!

It seems like all I do is worry and get stressed out by every little twinge,pain, or uneasy feeling and immediately think the worse! It's horrible. I try and stay positive from appointment to appointment, but it seems like there is a lifetime between them and the anxiety is just overwhelming!

I am so very excited for this baby and I know that worrying is just part of the job, but I wish I could stay more confident through out the rest of my pregnancy then always being in a state or worry! 

I've had a tough week with  Round Ligament Pain( at least that's what I think it is) So my nerves are pretty much shot for my appt. tomorrow and time is dragging! I just can't wait to see LO on the screen tomorrow happy and healthy! 

Am I a maniac? 

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