2nd Trimester

Why did I do that?? (rant)

So I'm not feeling well today at all so I decided to call in sick to work. I decided though that I needed to eat something. I made myself the usual (3 hard boiled eggs). I cut them up and put pepper on them. I was actually looking forward to having them.

I went to sit down on the couch and put the blanket over me and I knocked the bowl off my tv table!! It spilled all over the carpet. Instead of just cleaning it up and making new ones, because I wasn't feeling great I thought if I pick them up really quick, I'll be okay. 

That's what I ended up doing and now I don't feel well at all. I don't know if I'm just making myself sick by the thought of what I just did, if its just from not feeling good or something attached to the eggs that quick! 

Ughhhhh....why did I do that??!! I'm just not thinking right lately!!!

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