2nd Trimester

telling work... advice on different levelss

So I'm an engineer and work at a large company. I have been with the company for one year and only just recently changed roles within the group. Basically it was a role that I previously was doing as part of my previous role, and then they separated the two and made a new role and title (the one I now have which falls under a different department). I'm 18 weeks and still haven't told work. I'm kind of nervous about how my new boss will take it, althoguh really, they can only take it one way.

A couple of things... I have a supervisor and then a manager (we both report to). I'm now comfortable breaking the news what with the recent U/S and it's getting hard to hide my bump. What is the process... do I tell my supervisor and let it go through the string of commands, do i just go directly to our manager then supervisor? and then how and should i share it with the rest of the groups? Do you just announce it or tell a few and let the word spread? 

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