Babies: 0 - 3 Months

xp: Late nap question

DD is 10 weeks and she usually eats every 3 hours, and then is ready for a nap about an hour after that, and then will nap anywhere from 30 mins-3 hours after.

This works fine during the day, but when it comes time for her bottle around 4/5, I'm having some trouble. She still seems to need to nap after an hour of being up (or if her last nap was short, seems to be an hour after she eats), but then the nap tends to run into her next feeding (7/8ish). Instead of sleeping her usual amount, she seems to fall into a really deep sleep, and most nights we have to wake her for bath/her bedtime bottle.

I know you're not really supposed to wake a sleeping baby, but she seems fine when we do it and then goes go back to sleep after she gets changed into pajamas, has a bath on bath night and eats (and she is definitely hungry!), and then most nights STTN (with a few wakings where we give the paci between 4-7).

Does anyone else's LO do something similar? I know i shooould just let her sleep probably, and go with her flow, but it works better for us if she has her bedtime sometime before we go to bed. It really doesn't seem to bother her/affect her sleeping, but I just feel bad doing it!  But, I'm wondering if I should just keep her up after that last feeding until the next feeding, which is then bedtime?
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