Babies: 0 - 3 Months

to early to start bottle? Opinions needed

My DS will be 3 weeks old this Friday. I would like to introduce an occasional bottle of pumped breast milk to him for various reasons.

Do you think it's still to early to introduce a bottle? Context: he had some trouble figuring out breastfeeding in the first couple days and we supplemented with a syringe for roughly one week. He doesn't have a huge interest in eating, but is getting enough as he has a ridiculous amount of wet/dirty diapers and is gaining weight like crazy. Since then, he has been breastfeeding pretty well but occasionally does the frantic head shaking back and forth thing. 


I want to be able to continue breastfeeding and am a little scared of nipple confusion. Should I hold off on introducing a bottle or go for it? 

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