Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Shots tomorrow (reposted from Nov 2011)

and I am freaking out.  So scared of how she will react and worse how I will react.  I already feel like a terrible mom because she was crying on her play mat and I went to pick her up and when I did I bumped her forehead on the stupid blowfish that is hanging down and she screamed bloody murder.  I calmed her down and she had a big red mark above her eye (from a stupid plastic blowfish, I wanted to throw the whole mat out the window).  I made her a bottle, handed her to my husband and went in the bedroom and cried.  Thank God the red mark is gone,  A friend of mine told me that since my husband is going with me that maybe I should step out of the room when she gets her shots.  Then I feel like an even worse mother for not being there for my daughter through something that I know she is going to cry over.  I used to be so much stronger then I am now.  I cry and stress over everything.  I know it is postpartum but when does it end.  Sorry this is like three posts in one and I sound so whiney.  Thanks for reading and letting me vent.
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