Single Parents

court on Wednesday

We are so close to an agreement, however so far away.  Right now our custody order has me having the kids for 10 days (overnight) then him 4.  On the stretch where I have them for 10 days he gets them on Thursday nights.  

however it's not what we have been doing.

I have been honoring our agreement that we had in place from the time we separated until he filed for custody.  Me M,T,W Him Thursday and Sunday and then we alternate every other weekend...

So week #1

Me M,T,W.  Him Thursday Me Friday and Saturday until Sunday at 2:30 Him Sunday - Monday at 5:45.


week #2 Me M,T,W Him Thursday - Monday at 5:45.


Well I proposed that one weekend a month I would switch Sunday for a Wednesday so I had the girls for a full weekend.  (I work a FT and a PT job, he doesn't really work, well he does if you want to be technical but he really doesn't) He agreed to switch Sunday but instead wants 2 Wednesdays in a row.  I am not ok with this.


I am just so tired of this battle.  It is draining me financially (lesson learned, never marry an attorney) and emotionally.  Now, after being separated for 1.5 years he wants to work on our marriage, is throwing it in my face that "I am ending it" yet he couldn't bother to show up 1/2 the time for marriage counseling when were were in it for 5 freaking years?!?!?!?!  


I am so afraid of going to court and him getting 50/50 custody.  He is a good dad, just not responsible at all, smokes pot, still has our 5 year old and 2 year old sleeping in bed with him...feeds them fast food all.the.time.  doesn't get them to bed on time, you know the "responsible" side of parenting.  


However I am afraid that #1, he is a great B.S'er...he's an attorney so I am afraid that a judge will give him 50/50 which is what he wants if we do go to court. #2. I will lose and spend a fortune which I don't really have since he gives me NOTHING  and #3. If I try to file for child support he told he he is coming after me for spousal support....I (on paper) make 3x what he does, however he is a fraud and doesn't report a majority of his income.....


I feel like I am being bullied into a corner.  Sorry this is long...just need to get it out.   

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