Babies: 0 - 3 Months

If you think you are creative in the kitchen I have a serious challenge for you!

Okay so some of you know my situation where we have mold in our house, anyway we are still looking for a new rental in the meantime LO and myself have been going out of town with DH for work and staying in the hotel.  We have used all his per diam money for dinners and now we have to come up with our own meals.  I have been having microwave soup daily for lunch so that is out for dinner.  Here is what we have to work with, a mini fridge, a microwave, and silverware (knife, fork, spoon) thats it. But I want to still feed DH healthy food plus I need healthy food becuase I am nursing.  Also last part of the challenge is it has to be either dairy free or very low on dairy.

Got any ideas! I know they make microwave meals in their own containers like in the freezer section but I cant imagine those are healhty or dairy free.

Making muffins with mommy! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
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