Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Growth spurt at 2 months?

Arianna is 2 months and 2 days. The past 2 days she is just fussy and eating eating eating. Shes not crying so its not really a problem, just not used to her being up constantly and eating every hour. Wondering if its a growth spurt? Yesterday she was up for 10 hours straight! She seems to be doing the same today. I cant get her to nap to save my life. Lol. The most confusing thing is though she acts like shes hungry ( rooting and chewing her hands ) she starts to fall asleep half way through her bottle, She falls asleep sitting up right when I burp her, 5 minutes later shes wide awake and doing the im hungry thing again. I try the NUK incase its a soothing suck thing but she spits it out. Im constantly making bottles all day and wasting almost half of all of them. Any advice??? Thanks Ladies!
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