
Getting the shakes immediately after C-section

I had a c-section on January 2nd.  I had planned on a vaginal birth, but I lurked on this board to prepare myself for all options.  I am glad I did.  The best piece of advice I gathered from a previous post was that the medicine they give you to numb you for the C-sectopm can sometimes cause involuntary shaking, particularly of your hands and arms.  If this happens to you, do NOT fight the shaking.  Go with it and allow it to happen as the shaking is out of your control.  I had very severe shakes for about an hour after the C-section.  I held the baby for a short time, but had to give him to DH because I was shaking so bad.  When the shaking was over, I did not feel any pain from it.  The nurses had told me that women who fight the shakes often feel very sore all over the next day and they were happy that I had this little bit of knowledge prior to my emergency C-section.  If you can remember this piece of advice, it might spare you some unnecessary pain, so I thought I'd pay it forward!
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