2nd Trimester

Trapped in an episode of 16 and pregnant Vent

Ugh i am so frustrated right now. I could write you a book on why teenagers should not have babies in high school. My sister is 18 almost 19 but still in high school, or at least she was until she got punched in the stomach by her the father of her babies friend. Her babies father makes me livid. I am not a hateful person but he defiantly brings out the worst in me. He has cheated on her countless times, said for her to find the baby a new father, sent her suicidal pictures. Ugh my list could go on and on. He is so rude and disrespectful to us and then expects us to forgive him like it never happened. 

I really don't even know how to deal with this anymore. He acts like my sister should not gain weight while she's pregnant. He tries to completely control her like shes his puppet. Its so hard to watch him wrecking her life and watch her let him do it. I know theirs nothing i can do, but hes came close to tearing our family apart. My parents almost got a divorce over this mess.

Any advise on how to deal with this, I know all this stress is not good for me while pregnant, or ever really. I have tried to stand by her, i have given him more chances then anyone. I remember what it was like to be her age and try to relate, but i feel like i cant do this anymore. I would hate to cut off contact with my sister over something like this, but its so hard to see him emotionally abuse her. I know you cant help someone that doesn't want help, but its just sad.  

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