2nd Trimester

What makes people think they have the right?? (Team Green moms, come in)

So, we're team green. Since the beginning of my pregnancy I've both looked forward to and dreaded reaching the point where we could find out the sex. I've looked forward to it because obviously reaching that point means we're getting closer, and I've dreaded it because of the way our mothers are acting.

They feel they are entitled to know the sex of our babies, and they have even gone as far as to say that we should have the tech write it down and we should give it to them so they can find out before the babies get here.

I love them both very much, but seriously....where do they get off thinking they have the right to know the sex of our babies before we do!? 

Anyone else dealing with this? I'm trying not to be frustrated about it, but they've been on my case nonstop for weeks and there is no end in sight. I just don't want to continue getting pissed about it and be rude or mean to them.

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