2nd Trimester

Watching an infant all day for 35-50 dollars??

This person ( A friend of my half-sister) wants me to watch her 2.5 month baby for 9.5 hours a day, 3-5 days a week, and has told me that everything she has researched said they would charge about 35-50 dollars a day. 50 dollars a day is barely 5 dollars an hour! 35 a day is straight crazy. She said they all had other children though, (Like they watched 4 kids a time, and 1 infant, or something) and she would have to drop her baby off with them at their house. I would come to her and watch just her baby in their own house. Which too me, would be a huge plus.

I was thinking about 80 dollars a day, for 9.5 hours. Ends up being about 8.42 dollars an hour which is pretty low in my opinion. (Min. wage here is 8 dollars and hour.) But since it's under the table and not taxed, I thought that was acceptable. (even though you get most your money back from taxes anyway at the end of the year when you make min. wage. haha)

I told her that most infant care I saw charged a lot more than that- that I would still a lot cheaper than the norm... Especially for me coming to her, and only watching her baby...


Crazy, right?... 


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