2nd Trimester

Vaccinations. Yay or Nay?

Does anyone know of anywhere I can find a website or something to be better informed about all the vaccinations out there now?  My husband and I are not too keen on getting our child vaccinated with all the new vaccinations.  The ones that we got when we were young we feel ok with, probably because we turned out alright (slighty off, but who isnt?? Smile)  But there is one for the chicken pox?  I mean, I lived through them, no scars, no memories of it really, not haunted by the fact that my sibs and I missed school for a week.  Some of them I feel could be pointless.  I have heard that when babies get vaccinated, the chemicals open up parts of their brains and does something to cells, mutates or kills them.  And I could sound TOTALLY ignorant right now, and I will openly admit that I am, and need to be informed before little baby girl gets here!  How does everyone feel about vaccinations?  Am I rediculous for not really wanting to get them all, get them all at one time, or even waiting until she is older??  Thanks!
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