
Advice Please....Nervous, FTM.

Hi ladies. I just found out yesterday that I might be a candidate for a csection. I am 40 weeks, my body is not progressing like it should be. I am not dilated, effaced, my cervix isn't soft at all. My doctor said he could possible induce me if I wanted, but his concern is that I would lay there in labor for hours and may have to end up with a csection anyway. I am a FTM and wasn't not planning on this being an option. I am not sure what to do. Like he said, my water could still possibly break tomorrow or who knows what will happen. But he is giving me till my next appointment which is Tuesday to check my progress and he said we will go from there. I am not sure what to do or what to think? I am nervous to have one. I guess because it never entered my mind that I would be a candidate for one. I had just planned on an old fashioned, painful labor like everyone else in my family had! I am also concerned with breastfeeding now. In my class I spaced out during the csection and breastfeeding part. Stupid me.
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