2nd Trimester

For those who had spotting/bleeding.

I'm hopping over from 1st tri in hopes of talking to ladies on this board who have experienced spotting/bleeding. 

A little backstory:

I have had light brown spotting on and off since getting my BFP. No more than a little here and there in my panty liner. It has been pretty consistent though (I have yet to go 48 hours without any). I had an ultrasound last week and they were checking for ectopic (it came back fine). I had to have a follow up two days ago to look for a heartbeat and that came back fine.

I had my first real "scare" today when I woke up to bright red bleeding (enough to need a pad) and I called my doctor. They had me come in again and did another ultrasound. The heartbeat was still there and I was actually measuring 1 day ahead.

They haven't had any real answers as to why this bleeding is happening and no real advice other than pelvic rest and take it easy. I've seen 4 different OB's in the practice now and all say the same thing "everything looks okay, no idea why this bleeding/spotting is occuring".

I know that every pregnancy is different, but if you have had spotting or bleeding and are doing well now in 2nd tri I'd love to hear your story. As much as I do my best to not worry, it is impossible. Thanks ladies! 

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