2nd Trimester

NPR: Etiquette Dilemma. WWYD (Clicky)

Disclaimer: I just re-read this and I want to make sure you understand that I'm not complaining that the gift card isn't enough $$. On these boards we're quick to judge someone as ungrateful (hello Baby Showers board!!!!) so I hope you'll read the whole thing and get that there's more to it... 

MIL meant well.

She gave DH and I what appeared to be a gift certificate for a local tapas bar.  The GC was for $15.  I think that she doesn't understand tapas and saw that the average price for an item was $6-8. I'm guessing she thought we could both eat there for $15.  (If you don't know what tapas are either, I'll explain quickly.  You usually order several items for the table. Each item is a single food - olives, smoked salmon, roasted meat skewers, etc... and all together they make up a meal. It's sort of like a buffet in that you get to try a bite of everything and sort of like Indian food in that the whole table decides together and shares.  Meals often cost upwards of $50 when it's all said and done. And that's without red wine or Sangria which is just about blasphemous in Spanish culture. LOL).

There are two more caveats.  First, several people have taken me to this tapas bar (I used to live in Spain and all my friends and relatives were psyched to be the first to take me Smile) ... problem is, I don't really like it.  It's not that I'm a tapas snob, it's just not done very well. Nothing has much flavor, there's hardly any variety, I find it way over priced and it's set up like an American bar...metal bar stools, loud music, etc...  Second, I read the fine print on the "gift card". It turns out to be more of a coupon. It says that it can only be used on a minimum purchase of $50.  So, DH and I would have to come up with $35 just to use it.  We're a bit broke right now. Not too mention, they're a bit snooty at this place.  I went with a group of girls a year ago and we were just going to get one tapa each, a glass of Sangria and be on our way to see a movie.  The waitress just about killed us with death stares and the manager stopped by twice to ask if we were disappointed in our meal.  They just about threw us out the door when we finished. The hostess had the next people standing at our table while we put our coats on. So.....I don't think they really want you to only spend $35. LOL.

Anyway, it's not that we couldn't scroung up $35 digging in the couch cusions, it's just that this is almost more of a responsibility than a gift at this point.


These are tapas, BTW...



Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers ***This space reserved for photo of new squish***
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